The program prepares the Mass Communication majors for the future of mass media and mass communications by exposing them to a variety of relevant theoretical knowledge, practical experiences and networking opportunities on campus and beyond. Through instruction, practice, project-based work, service learning, participation in student media and internships, we prepare our students to be competitive professionals and leaders in analytics-driven, audience-focused convergent media.
DSLR Camera Requirement
As future high-tech media professionals, students will invest in high-tech personal equipment that they will utilize. This equipment is a requirement for production courses in the Mass Communication Program of Study. Specifically, after consultation with a Mass Communication faculty member, students will purchase a DSLR camera with interchangeable lenses and video capability. Students will use the DSLR camera in the course, MASS 330 , and in subsequent courses in which MASS 330 is a prerequisite.
Each student is required to complete a minimum of 120 hours of approved service-learning activities for graduation. These hours are to be earned in service-learning designated courses that are identified within the course description. If a course has a service-learning requirement, then the student must complete the service-learning activity regardless of the total number of service-learning hours they have accumulated.
(Students are required to select a minor)
*Major courses require a “C” or better.