Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 05, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog

Admissions Requirements

BENEDICT COLLEGE gives serious consideration to every applicant who is committed to taking full advantage of the opportunity it provides him/her to obtain a college education. The College makes its educational opportunities available to all such applicants interested in participating in its programs. However, each applicant must provide evidence of a reasonable probability of success in college before he/she can be admitted as a regular student. The College reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant it judges unlikely to benefit from its programs.

Admission to the College

Applicants may gain admission to the freshman class by meeting the following requirements:

  1. Hold a diploma from a high school that is accredited by a state or regional accrediting agency or its equivalent (GED). The College recommends that students earn units from the college preparatory track.
  2. Earn at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale in high school and meet one of the following requirements:
  3. Earn 850 on the SAT (combination of critical reading and math), or
  4. Earn 17 composite on the ACT, or
  5. Possess a General Education Development Examination (GED) State Certificate.

The College will also determine the admissions status of students based upon case-by-case evaluation of their potential to succeed in college.

Summer Bridge Program

The College has opted to postpone the Summer Bridge program in order to allow time to access the program targets, data, and institutional capacity to best serve students.

Methods to Earn College Credits

Prior Learning Experiences

Benedict College recognizes that students may acquire knowledge equivalent to that obtained through completion of courses through their professional experience or other methods of instruction. Prior knowledge may be demonstrated in three ways: (1) standardized examinations administered by nationally recognized external testing organizations; (2) assessments for direct credit administered by Benedict College departmental faculty; and (3) portfolio assessment conducted by Benedict College faculty. Prior learning assessment is a student-centered process for awarding students college credit for demonstrated knowledge and is administered through the Office of the Registrar and Student Records in coordination with the office of Extended Learning Services.

Eligibility: To earn credit for prior learning, a student must be enrolled and registered in the undergraduate program at Benedict College.

Application of Credit

Credit for prior learning shall be applied to degree or program requirements in the same manner as credits earned through the completion of the equivalent courses at Benedict College. Credit will be counted only once for the same course. A maximum of 25% of credits required for a degree program will be considered for acceptance.


Credits for demonstrated knowledge earned through any prior learning method do not fulfill Benedict College residency requirements.

Grading and Transcripting

Credit awarded by prior learning assessment shall receive a neutral designation of “AP” for Advancement Placement in cases where the score is 3 or higher on a 5-point scale; “PL” for prior learning credits transferred by recognized educational agencies in cases where the score is 70 or higher on a 100-point scale or a grade of “C” or higher; and “PO” in cases of faculty-approved portfolio assessment. Conventional letter grades will not be used. The transcript will not indicate an unsuccessful attempt to earn credit for prior learning. Grades for prior learning are not transferable to a Benedict College transcript.

Credit by Examination

Benedict College awards course credit to eligible students for acceptable scores made on the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Standardized Tests, the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Standardized Tests, and the DANTES Program Subject Standardized Tests. Credit by examination must be established and awarded within the first two semesters of the student enrolled at the College and must be approved by the department chair and dean.

College Board Advanced Placement (AP)

Students may receive credit for scores on Advanced Placement Standardized Tests used to assess AP courses taken in high school. Entering freshmen may be awarded credit for Advance Placement courses in which they score 3 or higher. Official Advanced Placement Standardized Test scores must be reported directly to the Registrar’s Office. A listing of these examinations, courses and acceptable scores is available in the Registrar’s Office.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

Benedict College awards credits from entering freshmen enrolled in IB programs who score 4 or higher on their IB Higher Level examinations as determined by their academic departments.

The courses for which IB and AP credits may be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:

Biology Chemistry Economics English
French History Mathematics Music
Physics Psychology Spanish Art

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Benedict College awards credit for certain measurable life experiences and independent study, as measured on the CLEP Examination. The College accepts scores only on the skilled examinations for which there are corresponding courses at Benedict College. A listing of these examinations, courses and acceptable scores is available in the Office of the Registrar.

DANTES Program (Subject Standardized Test)

Benedict College awards credit for certain measurable life experiences end independent study, as measured by the DANTES Subject Standardized Tests. The College accepts scores only on the subject examinations for which there are corresponding courses at Benedict College. A listing of these examinations, courses and acceptable scores is available in the Office of the Registrar and Student Records.

A student may earn up to a total of 15 semester credit hours through CLEP and DANTES examinations.

Policies for PLA Awarded by External Standardized Examination

Credit for prior learning can be earned through standardized tests administered by nationally recognized testing organizations as follows:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) examinations;
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP);
  • DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST);
  • Excelsior College Credit by Examinations (ECE); and
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations and other accepted standardized testing.

Course equivalencies for the standardized tests are determined by the academic unit that offers the course and approved by the vice president for academic affairs.

Policies for PLA Awarded by Internally Administered Examinations

Credit for prior learning can be awarded through examinations created and administered by academic units that offer the course. The examination is constructed to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of the learning outcomes of the course. Students may repeat an examination one time. No exam may be repeated before 30 business days have passed.

If a department offers credit by examination, no eligible student can be refused the opportunity to take the exam for course credit.

Policies for PLA Awarded by Portfolio Assessment

Credit for prior learning can be awarded through a portfolio assessment process managed by an academic department at Benedict College. Prior learning assessment by portfolio assessment will follow a course-equivalency credit model. Students demonstrate college-level learning by submitting a portfolio consisting of an organized collection of evidence that demonstrates mastery of the learning outcomes of a specific course offered at Benedict College.

Internal Portfolio Analysis

To submit a portfolio for assessment, students must contact the department offering the course. and follow the schedule established by the department. Once the portfolio examination is completed, the department will notify the student of the results within thirty days. Notification will simply indicate whether credit has been awarded. The portfolio will be returned unmarked.

Courses eligible for credit by internal portfolio assessment are determined by the department that offers the course. Students may submit a portfolio for assessment at most two times for a given course. The second portfolio cannot be submitted within 30 business days of notification of the outcome of the initial submission.

If a program offers credit by portfolio assessment, no eligible student can be refused the opportunity to submit a portfolio assessed for course credit.

All portfolio assessments will be completed by discipline-appropriate faculty trained in assessing portfolios for credit. Departments offering prior learning assessment by portfolio will establish rubrics to guide faculty assessment and scoring. Fees for portfolio assessments will be applied as determined by the College, if applicable.

Military Credit

A student may also earn credit through military training following the American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations. Benedict College awards credit for courses taken at military services schools. The official Joint Services Transcript displaying military course completions must be requested by the student to be sent directly to the Office of the Registrar by the issuing agency.

Dual Enrollment for High School Students

Students enrolled in college courses while at a regionally accredited high school may enroll as freshman students. Students must provide an official academic transcript from both institutions (high school and college). Students may receive college credits for these courses provided they are not remedial, and students receive grades of “C” or better.

Transfer Students

Applicants who have satisfactorily completed courses at a regionally accredited institution may be admitted to regular status under the following conditions:

  1. Students who have completed an A.A. or A.S. degree program from a member school in the South Carolina Independent College and Universities (SCICU) system and the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) with a liberal arts back-ground at a regionally accredited institution may transfer credit hours to Benedict College up to the amounts described below in number 2. Additionally, students may transfer the number of approved credit hours for elective credit as approved by the appropriate department chair and dean. College credits will not be allowed for remedial courses or courses of secondary school level.
  2. Students who complete the A.A or A.S. degrees from other regionally accredited colleges will transfer the number of credit hours that satisfy the College’s General Education program, the hours that can apply to courses in the desired major, and the requisite number of elective credits prescribed in the major.
  3. The transfer applicant must be eligible to return to the college or university he/she last attended and must be in good standing with the last institution attended. The transfer applicant will be considered for admission upon presentation of an official college transcript from all colleges attended by the student. Transfer students with fewer than 30 semester credit hours must meet the requirements specified for New Freshmen. At least 25% of semester credit hours counted toward graduation must be earned through instruction at Benedict College.
  4. Credit will be given for transfer work in which the student received a grade of C or above. All transfer credits are subject to validation by the department chair, dean, and in some cases approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. These credits must have been earned within the last 10 years prior to the date of transfer. Transfer credits more than 10 years old are subject to validation by the department chair and school dean, with approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. College credit will not be allowed for remedial courses or courses of secondary school level. Benedict College reserves the right to deny advanced standing based on the transfer student’s standing at the institution previously attended.
  5. Transfer credit may be awarded for upper division courses taken at two-year colleges provided the content satisfies the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) at Benedict College as validated by the chair and dean of the department and school offering the course. These courses are subject to a course-by-course evaluation.
  6. Benedict College’s academic program is offered through semester credit hours; therefore, all quarter hours transferred to the College will be converted to semester credit hours at 2/3 the value (.66%) of the quarter hours. As a result, 4.5 quarter hours will be equivalent to 3.0 semester credit hours.
  7. Benedict College will review requests by students to transfer credits from a non-accredited institution on a case-by-case basis to ensure the integrity of our academic programs and to ensure that student learning outcomes are satisfied at the level required at the College. An important part of the validation of these credits is that an institution’s loss or lack of regional accreditation will not prohibit the transfer of credits as long as the accreditation issue is NOT related to student learning, curriculum or faculty.

The amount of credit that Benedict College will allow for work done at another four-year college or university within a given period of time may not exceed the normal amount of credit that could have been earned at Benedict College during that time. Transfer students must also meet these requirements:

  1. At least 25% of semester credit hours required in the major must be taken at Benedict College. At least half of the courses in the major must also be taken at Benedict College. In addition to the courses that satisfy the General Education program and other courses required in the major, students may transfer the number of approved credit hours for elective credit as approved by the appropriate department chair and dean.
  2. Additionally, students may transfer the number of approved credit hours for elective credit as approved by the appropriate department chair and dean.
  3. At least half of the courses in the major must be taken at Benedict College.

Consortium Course Enrollment Eligibility

Students must:

  1. Be enrolled full-time at Benedict College during the academic term in which they are seeking to take a CC course (CC courses will be included in determination of full-time status);
  2. Be in good academic standing. Students who are on academic probation are NOT eligible to enroll in CC courses;
  3. Be at the sophomore level (at least 30 sch earned) at the time of enrollment in a CC course;
  4. Be financially cleared at Benedict College in the academic term in which the student seeks to enroll in CC courses; and
  5. Undergraduate students are limited to a total of 60 CC semester credit hours throughout their Benedict College Career. Graduate students may complete no more than 15 CC semester credit hours.

CC Enrollment Actions

Students must request CC enrollment actions (add, drop, withdraw) through the Director of Specialized Programming or their academic department chair or dean.

Communication to Students about Course Requests

After a CC course request is submitted on behalf of the student, the Teaching Institution will send one of two e-mail communications to the student’s school email address:

  1. Denied, which requires the staff to find another course for the student
  2. Approved, which gives the student key information about the course start date etc.

Billing Students

Students pay their Home Institution’s tuition rate per credit hour for the CC course; financial aid may be applied to cover CC course costs.

Students who exceed full-time enrollment due to the addition of CC courses will be charged overload tuition and fee rates per the published Benedict College tuition and fee schedule.

Students are responsible for all learning material costs, including textbooks, as determined by the teaching institution. Textbooks for CC courses are not included in the Benedict College tuition and fees.

Transcribing Courses

Benedict College will use a “CC” section designation and a course number that is the same as the equivalent Benedict course (e.g., CTS 1328-Introduction to Software Engineering taken at a different institution will be transcribed on the Benedict transcript as CSC 435 -CC Introduction to Software Engineering). Course numbers may vary from the strict Home Institution equivalent, but in all cases approved CC Courses have been determined to promote equivalent learning outcomes.

Transient Students

Transient students are required to submit a separate application for the academic semester or summer terms. Admission to course(s) for one semester or summer session(s) may be granted to students from other colleges and universities whose courses of study have been approved by their academic deans or registrars. Such students are referred to as “transient students”. Transient students must present an Academic Course Approval letter or form from the attending institution indicating approval to take the course(s) listed. The students are responsible for requesting their transcripts from Benedict College to be forwarded to their respective institutions.

International Students (Freshmen)

Benedict College feels that cultural exchange is mutually beneficial. Therefore, the enrollment of students from other countries is encouraged. International applicants must demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English by taking the SAT (English-speaking countries) or TOEFL (non-English- speaking countries). The international student may be admitted by submitting the following documents to the Office of International Programs:

  • A completed on-line admission application.
  • A $25.00 non-refundable application fee.
  • Test scores (Country’s Examination Scores, SAT and/or TOEFL);
  • Official high school transcript.
  • Affidavit of support from sponsor and/or financial statement from sponsor.
  • A copy of passport

All documents must be submitted by the application deadline (no later than May 1st for consideration for the fall semester or November 1st for the spring semester). However, applications are accepted on a space available basis through the end of registration for the semester in which the student wishes to enroll.

In addition to the admission requirements applicable to all native students, an international student must also satisfy all requirements as prescribed by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service for approval to study in this country. Applicants from English-speaking countries must meet regular freshman admission requirements.

International Students (Transfer)

Students transferring from another college in the United States must meet regular transfer requirements. Students transferring from a foreign country’s college must have their transcripts translated into English by certified translators and evaluated by a United States evaluation service (i.e., WES or AACRO).

Special Admissions Non-degree Applicants

Non-degree applicants are persons who wish to take selected college courses without the intent of completing a degree program. These are persons who wish to attend college for the purpose of upgrading employment skills, for transferring credits to meet certain certification requirements, or for personal interest and enjoyment. These persons will be listed as non-degree students. They will not be subject to the usual requirements for admission, but they must hold a high school diploma from a state or regionally accredited agency. Such students may later become candidates for a degree by meeting all entrance requirements, completing a change of status form, and receiving approval from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. Non-degree students will not be accorded the privilege of participating in intercollegiate athletics or other student activities unless the activity is academically related to the course work for which the student is enrolled. Non-degree students will be subject to the same rules and regulations governing class attendance, conduct and health as regular students.


Benedict College endeavors to admit students whose academic records indicate that they possess the qualities needed to achieve success in the academic program they intend to study. Benedict seeks students who are strongly motivated to excel in college, and who are prepared to accept and fulfill collegiate and social responsibility for his/herself future endeavor. Benedict College grants admission to qualified applicants in accordance with the College’s non-discrimination policy. An applicant who meets the admission requirements will be granted admissions.

Early Admissions Policy

Admissions and Recruitment will provide prospective students with an early admissions decision. Students may apply at the end of their junior year. Early admissions will be granted the summer of the student’s junior year and based on the student’s academic record. Students will receive an admissions decision early in the admissions cycle.


Former students who have not enrolled for one or more semesters (summer sessions excluded) must complete and file an application for readmission, which is available. The privilege of requesting readmission does not imply an obligation on the part of the College to grant the request. The College reserves the right to deny readmission, as warranted by policies and circumstances.

Applicants for readmission who have received credit from another college or university during their absence from Benedict College must submit official transcripts of such work to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment and must be eligible to return to the transferring institution before admission consideration will be granted.

Application Procedures

Prospective students are urged to apply early-no later than May 1st for consideration for the fall semester or November 1st for the spring semester. However, applications are accepted on a space- available basis through the end of registration. The application procedures are as follows:

New Freshmen and Early Admission Applicants

  1. Apply online at www.Benedict.edu or request an application from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Benedict College, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Telephone number 1-800-868-6598 http://www.benedict.edu/
  2. Submit the completed application forms to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, with a non-refundable application fee of $25.00 (on-line).
  3. Request that the high school principal, guidance counselor, or registrar submit transcripts electronically to transcripts@benedict.edu or mail to the College an official transcript through their junior year to include cumulative grade point average, class rank, if applicable, state’s examination scores and a listing of enrolled courses during the senior year.
  4. Tentative admission will be granted prior to the completion of high school, but it will be subject to the student’s receipt of a valid state issued diploma from a state or regionally accredited high school, or its equivalent (GED). A complete and official transcript of all high school work must be received before admission is final.
  5. Request that SAT and/or ACT scores be sent to Benedict College: The Code numbers are SAT (5056) and ACT (3834). Should these tests not be offered at a local high school, contact the College Entrance Examination Board, Box 592, Princeton, NJ 08540 for further information on testing dates and sites. Applicants are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, until the freshman class is full.

Transfer Students

  1. Apply online at www.Benedict.edu or request an application from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Benedict College, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Telephone number is 1-800- 868-6598 or 1-803-705-4910.
  2. Submit the completed application form to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, with the non-refundable application fee of $25.00 (on-line).
  3. Request that the registrar submit college(s) transcript(s) of academic records electronically to transcripts@Benedict.edu or mailed to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. All transcripts must be received in the Office of Admissions and Recruitment before admissions consideration will be given.

Non-Degree Students

  1. Apply online at ww Benedict.edu or request an application from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Benedict College, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204; apply online at www.Benedict.edu or call 1- 800-868-6598 or 1-803-705-4910.
  2. Submit the completed application to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, with the non-refundable application fee of $25.00 (on-line).
  3. Request that the registrar submit college(s) transcripts of academic records electrronically to transcripts@Benedict.edu or to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.
  4. Request that General Education Development Examination (GED) scores be sent directly from the state testing center to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.

Readmitted Students

  1. Submit a readmit application on-line at www.Benedict.edu to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment.
  2. Applicants for readmission who have attended another college or university during their absence from Benedict College must submit official transcript(s) of such work to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment Office before consideration will be given.
  3. Previously enrolled students are eligible for readmission provided they made satisfactory academic progress while enrolled at the College or were eligible to return to the last college/ university in which they were enrolled. Students who do not meet these conditions may appeal to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee Admissions Subcommittee.
  4. Previously enrolled students who did not meet Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (FA SAP) must appeal to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee Financial Aid Committee to regain financial aid eligibility.

Transient Students

  1. Apply online at www.Benedict.edu or request an application from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Benedict College, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Telephone number is 1-800-868-6598.
  2. Submit the completed application form to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, with the non-refundable application fee of $25.00 (on-line).
  3. Transient students must present an Academic Course Approval letter or form from the institution that they are attending indicating approval to take course(s) listed.
  4. Return completed Consortium Agreement (if applicable) and a copy of an Academic Course Approval form from their home institution to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Summer School Admission

New students entering Benedict College for the first time in a summer term and who expect to continue to study toward a degree must submit an application specifying the summer term and meet the requirements for admission.

Notice of Acceptance

The Office of Admissions and Recruitment will notify applicants of action taken on their applications within two weeks after all required credentials have been received for evaluation. A tentative letter of acceptance will be sent to the applicant whose credentials are acceptable for admission or readmission to the College.

Upon receipt of a letter of acceptance, each applicant is required to deposit $50 (on-line) in the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. This amount is a non-refundable administrative cost. The College cannot guarantee a place in the class for applicants who have not paid the admission fee.

Benedict College reserves the right to reject any applicant when, in the opinion of the Admissions Committee: (1) the student’s credentials do not indicate a probability of success; (2) the College does not offer an appropriate curriculum that will satisfy the applicant’s proposed professional objective; or (3) the student enrollment capacity of the College has been reached, and it is necessary to impose enrollment limitations. The College also reserves the right to consider factors other than the basic characteristics of academic competence to grant admission.

Graduate Program Admissions Policy

BENEDICT COLLEGE gives serious consideration to every applicant who is committed to taking full advantage of the opportunity it provides him/her to obtain a graduate education. The College makes its educational opportunities available to all such applicants interested in participating in its programs. However, each applicant must provide evidence of a reasonable probability of success in graduate school before he/she can be admitted. The College reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant it judges unlikely to benefit from its programs.

Full Admission

Applicants for admission to graduate studies at Benedict College will have to submit a completed application packet and pay a non-refundable application fee. Additionally, the Graduate Program Admissions Committee reviews the following requirements:

  • Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Official transcripts (sent directly to Benedict College from the issuing undergraduate and graduate institutions attended)
    • NOTE: Students who completed their post-secondary education outside of the United States must have their transcripts translated into English by certified translators and evaluated by a United States evaluation service (i.e., WES or AACRO).
  • Score(s) on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) - Optional
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Resume
  • Statement of Commitment and Interest
  • English Proficiency*

*International applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English, which can be accomplished in different ways, including, but not limited to the following: TOEFL score, score from other English proficiency exam, academic work at an English-speaking institution, or Graduate Program Admissions Committee interview. NOTE: International students from English-speaking countries will not need to establish English proficiency.

Conditional Admission

Applicants who fail to satisfy the GPA or other requirements may be considered for conditional admissions, provided they have other appropriate and acceptable compensating strengths. An individual admitted conditionally may be permitted to take up to 12 hours of graduate credit.

Applicants without an undergraduate degree in business or who lack an adequate level of business knowledge may be admitted as a conditionally matriculating student. Such applicants will be required to satisfy certain prerequisites before consideration for full admission can be considered. To fulfill any prerequisite requirements, a graduate student may be required to take undergraduate courses or foundation courses that carry no graduate credit.

Transfer Credit

A student may transfer up to 9 hours of credit toward the Graduate Program from a regionally accredited college or university. The coursework must be designated graduate level and must be substantially the same in terms of content as the coursework required by the College. Additionally, the coursework must be completed with a grade of B or better.

Benedict College, however, reserves the right to determine if a transfer course will be accepted toward the degree and the number of credits that will be accepted. The decision regarding transfer credit will be made by the Graduate Program Admissions Committee with the approval of the Graduate Program Director.

Transfer credit may not, however, be earned during any period a student is on suspension.

Additionally, a student must petition the Graduate Program Director for acceptance of a course that is more than 6 years old. The Graduate Program Director will consider the request in consultation with an ad hoc committee, consisting of graduate business faculty. The actions of the committee will be ratified by the Graduate Council and Dean of the appropriate school.

Transient Admission

An individual pursuing a master’s degree at another regionally accredited institution may enroll as a transient student and transfer the credit(s) to the home institution. Such individuals, however, must be in good standing at their home institution. In order to be considered, and admitted as a transient student, the applicant must complete the requisite application packet and pay a non-refundable application fee.

International Admissions

Benedict College feels that cultural exchange is mutually beneficial. Therefore, the enrollment of students from other countries is encouraged. International applicants must demonstrate sufficient proficiency in English, which can be accomplished in different ways, including, but not limited to the following: TOEFL score, score from other English proficiency exam, academic work at an English-speaking institution, or Graduate Program Admissions Committee interview. NOTE: International students from English-speaking countries will not need to establish English proficiency.

The international student may be admitted by submitting the following documents to the MBA Admissions Office:

  • A completed online graduate admission application
  • A $25 non-refundable application fee
  • Statement of Interest
  • Resume
  • Two Letters of Recommendation
  • Interview with Graduate Program Admissions Committee
  • Score(s) on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or Graduate Record Examination (GRE) - Optional
  • Official undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • Affidavit of support from sponsor and/or financial statement from sponsor.
  • Two passport photos, and
  • A copy of passport

All documents must be submitted by the application deadline.

In addition to the admission requirements applicable to all native students, an international student must also satisfy all requirements as prescribed by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service for approval to study in this country. Applicants from English-speaking countries must meet regular graduate admission requirements.

When to Apply

Prospective students are urged to apply early. See table below for admissions timelines for the Graduate Programs:

Application Deadlines Dates
Priority admissions November 1st
Regular admissions January 1st
Late admissions March 1st

Non-Degree Seeking Admission

Non-Degree Seeking Applicants must:

  • Submit a completed application packet with a non-refundable application fee
  • Submit official transcripts (sent directly to Benedict College from the issuing institution) indicating completion of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution

An applicant admitted as a non-degree graduate student will be permitted to take up to 12 hours of graduate credit. The applicant is expected to maintain at least a 2.5 GPA with no more than one grade of C.

A non-degree applicant, who later decides to pursue a degree, must apply as a degree seeking student, and the applicant’s application credentials have to be evaluated accordingly. Such individuals cannot be assured of subsequent admission to a degree program. Additionally, courses taken as a non-degree matriculating student may or may not be later applied toward a degree.


A student must apply for readmission. If readmission is granted, the student is subject to the policies in effect at the time of his/her return. Students who are readmitted can only apply coursework completed at Benedict College within five years from the semester of their re-admission. Courses completed prior to the five-year date must be retaken.

Application Material Submission

Master of Business Administration
Application materials can be sent to MBAadmissions@benedict.edu or Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Attn: MBA Admissions, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Official transcripts can be sent to MBAtranscripts@benedict.edu or Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Attn: MBA Admissions, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Application deadlines for upcoming cohorts will be posted on the College’s website.

Master of Sport Management
Application materials can be sent to MSMadmissions@benedict.edu or Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Attn: MSM Admissions, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Official transcripts can be sent to MSMtranscripts@benedict.edu or Office of Admissions and Recruitment, Attn: MSM Admissions, 1600 Harden Street, Columbia, SC 29204. Application deadlines for upcoming cohorts will be posted on the College’s website.

Notice of Acceptance

Applicants will be notified of action taken on their applications within two weeks after all required credentials have been received for evaluation. A tentative letter of acceptance will be sent to the applicant whose credentials are acceptable for admission or readmission to the College.

Upon receipt of a letter of acceptance, each applicant is required to pay an admissions deposit online. This amount is a non-refundable administrative cost. The College cannot guarantee a place in the class for applicants who have not paid the admission fee.

Benedict College reserves the right to reject any applicant when, in the opinion of the Graduate Program Admissions Committee: (1) the student’s credentials do not indicate a probability of success; (2) the College does not offer an appropriate curriculum that will satisfy the applicant’s proposed professional objective; or (3) the student enrollment capacity of the College has been reached, and it is necessary to impose enrollment limitations.

The College also reserves the right to consider factors other than the basic characteristics of academic competence to grant admission.