Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 05, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Structure and Degrees

The Division of Academic Affairs is organized into the Office of Academic Affairs which houses the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Division also contains the Associate Vice President for Assessment and SACSCOC liaison, and the Associate Vice President for Research. Additionally, deans are the principal administrators in the four degree-granting schools.

Departments offer majors leading to a degree. A major consists of 30-75 semester credit hours in an academic discipline, as prescribed in the program of study for that discipline. In some cases, there is more than one program of study available for a major and is indicated by the various concentrations offered within the specified major discipline. The student chooses the program of study that most closely fits his or her interests and goals. A student may also pursue a minor in an academic discipline by earning 15-18 semester credit hours in that field, as prescribed by the appropriate academic department. The academic structure is given below.

Division of Academic Affairs

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Associate Vice President for Research
Associate Vice President for Academic Assessment and Support Programs & SACSCOC Liaison
Dean, School of Communication, Arts and Social Sciences
Dean, School of Science and Engineering
Dean, Tyrone Adam Burroughs School of Business and Entrepreneurship
Director of the MBA Program
Dean, School of Education, Health, and Human Services
Registrar and Director of Student Records
Director of the Honors Program
Director of Extended Learning Services
Director of the Veterans Resource Center
Director of the Library
Director of the Career Pathways Initiative and Service-Learning Program
Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning
Director of the Student Success Center
Director of Specialized Programming
Director of Accessibililty Services
Officer-in-Charge, Military Science Program

School of Arts and Sciences

Communication and Arts Department
Criminal Justice Administration and Social Sciences Department

School of Science and Engineering

Biology Department 

Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Health Science Department
Engineering and Computer Science Department

Tyrone Adam Burroughs School of Business and Entrepreneurship

Accounting and Finance Department
Business Administration Department
Master of Business Administration Graduate Program

School of Education, Health, and Human Services

Psychology and Educational Studies Department
Health and Sport Management Department
Social Work Department
Master of Sport Management Graduate Program

Degree Programs, Majors, and Minors

NOTE: Students may earn a minor by completing 12-15 semester credit hours as prescribed by the academic departments. Students are not permitted to earn a major and pursue a minor in the same discipline. In some cases, students may be required to complete prerequisite courses that may not appear in the listing of minor courses.

Academic Minors

School of Business and Entrepreneurship Minors
Open to all students who do not pursue majors in the same discipline and earn 12-15 semester credit hours as specified by the department
Business Administration
Business Analytics
Supply Chain Management
School of Education, Health, and Human Services Minors
Open to all students who do not pursue majors in the same discipline and earn 12-15 semester credit hours as specified by the department
  Child and Family Development
Esports Administration
Public Health
Sport Management
School of Arts and Sciences Minors
Open to all students who do not pursue majors in the same discipline and earn 12-15 semester credit hours as specified by the department
  Criminal Justice Administration 
Mass Communication
Political Science
Studio Art


Tyrone Adam Burroughs School of Business and Entrepreneurship

Department Business Administration
Major *Business Administration
Concentrations Management
Minors Business Administration
Business Analytics
Supply Chain Management
Degree B.S. in Business Administration
Department Accounting and Finance
Majors *Accounting
Minors Accounting
Degrees B.S. in Accounting
B.S. in Finance
Degree Master of Business Administration

School of Education, Health, and Human Services

Department Psychology and Educational Studies
Majors *Educational Studies
Concentrations Child and Family Development
Minors Child and Family Development
Degrees B.S. in Educational Studies
B.A. in Psychology
Department Health and Sport Management
Majors *Esports Administration
*Public Health
*Sport Management

Esports Administration

Public Health
Sport Management


B.S. in Esports Administration

B.S. in Public Health
B.S. in Sport Management

Degree Master of Sport Management
Department Social Work
Major *Social Work
Certificates Child Protective Services
Interdisciplinary Gerontology
Degree Bachelor of Social Work

School of Arts and Sciences

Department Communication and Arts
Major *English
Minor English
Degree B.A. in English
Major *Mass Communication
Minor Mass Communication
Degree B.A. in Mass Communication
Major *Studio Art with a Minor in
  • Marketing
  • Psychology
or Open Minor (Choose from established minors)
or Interdisciplinary Minor as approved (Studio Art major only)
Minor Studio Art
Degree B.A. in Studio Art
Major *Music
Students choose their music option ONLY from the following instruments with approval of the Communication and Arts Department:
  • Brass
  • Percussion
  • Piano
  • Voice
  • Woodwind
Degree B.A. in Music
Major Music Industry with a Minor in
  • Management
  • Marketing

Students choose their music option ONLY from the following instruments with approval of the Communication and Arts Department:
  • Brass
  • Percussion
  • Piano
  • Voice
  • Woodwind
Degree B.A. in Music Industry
Department Criminal Justice Administration and Social Sciences

*Criminal Justice Administration
*Interdisciplinary Studies

*Political Science

Minors Criminal Justice Administration
Political Science

B.S. in Criminal Justice Administration
B.S. in Cybersecurity
B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies

B.A. in Political Science

School of Science and Engineering

Department Biology
Majors *Biology
Concentration Pre-Med
Degrees B.S. in Biology
Department Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Health Science

*Environmental Health Science

* Physics

Concentration Pre-Med

B.S. in Chemistry
B.S. in Environmental Health Science

B.S. in Physics

Department Computer Science and Engineering
Majors *Computer Science
*Computer Engineering
*Electrical Engineering
*Environmental Engineering
Degrees B.S. in Computer Science
B.S. in Computer Engineering
B.S. in Electrical Engineering
B.S. in Environmental Engineering


Number of Departments 10 plus the Military Science Program
Number of Majors 26
Number of Graduate Programs 2


  • A “major” is an academic discipline in which the College grants a degree. The requirements for a degree generally include 30-84 semester credit hours in the major academic discipline.
  • A “concentration” is one of two or more options available for a particular major. Each concentration has its own program of study.
  • A “program of study” is a list of courses required for a degree in a particular major. The courses required include general education courses required of all students at the College, courses in the major academic discipline, and other courses related to the major. The total number of credits required for the degree is listed at the end of the program of study and may range from 120 up to 132 semester credit hours.
  • A “minor” in an academic discipline requires successful completion of 15-18 semester credit hours, as prescribed by the department in which the academic discipline is located.

In all academic departments, the first digit of course numbers generally indicates the level of the courses as prescribed by the department.

1 - Freshman level
2 - Sophomore level
3 - Junior level
4 - Senior level

The second digit of course numbers normally indicate the credit hours assigned to the course. Exceptions are internships, many of which carry the number 440.

The third digit of course numbers generally indicate the semester in which the course is offered as follows:

0 - Either semester or both semesters
Odd Digit - First semester or both semesters
Even Digit - Second semester only

The following suffixes may apply to certain courses:

B - Block Course
S - Seminar
L - Laboratory
H - Honors
SL - Service Learning
P - Practicum
CC __ Consortium Courses